Essex Rebels joins forces with new Santander Initiative
The University of Essex Rebels are thrilled to announce a new initiative with Santander, through Santander Universities, for the upcoming basketball season.
The collaboration helps underpin the provision of the community outreach work that Essex Rebels have built up in recent years, whilst also supporting and developing the career pathways of players who have embarked on a dual career journey.
Both the Essex Rebels and Santander Universities hope to build engagement throughout the season and to broaden the scope of this amazing project.
This is the latest collaboration between Santander Universities and the University of Essex and is a fantastic addition to our on-going partnership.
Since 2007, Santander Universities has invested more than £100m in supporting UK students and universities. The bank supports higher education with a number of schemes aimed at improving access to education, entrepreneurship and employability. Santander Universities has 85 direct UK University partnerships and more than 1,000 globally.
Essex was one of the first UK universities to join the network in 2007. Since then the university has received support of over £1.6million which has seen over 150 students receive scholarships, more than 200 receive internships and over 150 students have received travel grants to undertake research across the world.