Essex Sport Arena Covid-19 Spectator Regulations
September 09, 2021
Participants and spectators reporting COVID-19 symptoms or living with someone who has symptoms or is COVID-19 positive, will be instructed to refrain to from attending the event and asked to keep away from campus (even if double vaccinated). If a participant or spectator develops COVID-19 symptoms during the event they should leave immediately and contact NHS 119 for advice. |
Whilst face coverings are strongly encouraged at all times whilst inside the Essex Sport Arena. |
Signage inside the building will instruct spectators to ‘keep left’ and will encourage observation of social distancing. |
Spectators are strongly encouraged to test as close to arrival at the venue as possible – preferably the morning of and no more than 3 days prior, and, to self-isolate if a positive test is returned or should Covid-19 symptoms present themselves in the interim between test and event day. |
Regular hand washing and the use of hand sanitiser is encouraged for all participants and spectators. |
Attendees are asked not to access facilities on the main campus. Food and drink is available from the TO Lounge in the Arena. |